Customer Successes

Online Features Gives Rhythm In Effect Options that Others Studios May Not Offer

Rhythm in Effect
1 location, 350 students, 9 instructors
Owner, Michele Edwards


Michele knew that she needed dance studio management system that would give her as much control over her student and business data as her finances. It was also painfully obvious that a new system should provide flexibility to access information and track business activities from outside of the office.


Time is the most precious commodity for Michele. A busy studio requires time for teaching and choreography as well as time for managing the financial and organizational parts of her business. Implementing software with online registration and automated payments has helped Michele eliminate more than 4 hours a day of entry and process time. Michele and the environment benefit from tremendous paper savings that accompany online processes.

Michele uses her reclaimed hours to spend more time with students and in choreography and planning. She can also spend more time with her family without sacrificing studio responsibilities.

Jackrabbit’s portal feature made Michele’s parents ecstatic – giving them control of their own account details and access to information that they previously would have called the office to learn.

Using Jackrabbit has set Michele’s studio apart from her competitors by offering features and options that make it easier for parents to do business with her.


Jackrabbit has helped Rhythm in Effect become more efficient operationally while making customers very happy. Michele has been able to reclaim time spent on processes to nurture her business.

“Jackrabbit has given me back the parts of my business that I love without sacrificing the processes that make my business run. I can’t imagine using any other Dance Studio software.” — Michele Edwards, Rhythm in Effect

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