Management Tools for Your Studio

Staff Management

Keep up-to-date with staff availability and turn managing schedules, class substitute needs, and staff communication into your superpower.

jackrabbit time card screen
assign substitute teachers screen tablet

Find and Assign Substitute Teachers

Making sure dance classes are covered when an instructor is out sick or on vacation is effortless with Jackrabbit’s Substitutes feature. Find who’s available, check their instructor skills, assign the substitute, and pull reports as needed!

student attendance tracking screen tablet

Staff Portal for
Teachers and Admin

Jackrabbit’s Staff Portal is the perfect tool for anyone on your team. Complete with the time clock, attendance tracking, resource sharing, staff availability, and much more – your staff have what they need at their fingertips!

email/text staff screen desktop

Communicate Quickly with Staff

Sending out messages to your staff should be quick and easy. With Jackrabbit’s many communication options, it’s simple to email, text, or send a push notification to all your staff, a particular segment, or individual staff.

Ready to get started?

Learn how Jackrabbit’s features can help you achieve more work in less time
so that you can get back to what you love doing – teaching!
student attendance tracking screen tablet
assign substitute teachers screen tablet
student attendance tracking screen tablet, email/text families screen laptop, assign substitute teachers screen tablet