In the world of instant gratification, more and more people are enrolling their children in activities through online registration. While this is a great benefit to you and your dance studio, your opportunity to make a first impression is no longer in-person. This is where welcome emails come in. This simple act of confirming registration and sharing important information can make a lasting impression on parents. Here are a couple of reasons why we think welcome emails are an important part of retention and a few tips on how to write them.
Why do you need a welcome email?
Email is one of the most common forms of communication and many people find themselves scrolling through their inbox during moments of downtime. With all of the daily communication floating around, taking advantage of this channel to welcome new families is important.
Welcome emails help set expectations
As one of the first communication opportunities with parents, a welcome email is a great opportunity to highlight things like dress code guidelines, what to expect on the first day of class, when you are hosting an open house, and how often parents can expect regular communication from you.
Welcome emails provide a positive customer experience
New customers like to know that you appreciate and acknowledge their new business. Sending a welcome email to a new family initiates the beginning of a great experience. With a personalized approach, introduce yourself and confirm what classes the child is enrolled in. Use the touch point to include a link to the parent handbook and access to the Parent Portal for future reference and reassure them you are available for any questions they have.
Welcome emails ease parents’ minds
Sending out a personalized welcome email within 24-48 hours of new registrations is a clear sign that you are organized and on top of it. Something that seems so small to you is a grand gesture that will put parents at ease when it comes to bringing their child to your studio.
Welcome emails build loyalty
Everything mentioned so far is a big step toward creating a positive impact and creating loyalty to your program. Attracting new students is often a goal but it’s just as important to make sure you are retaining current students and keeping them happy – it all starts with that first welcome email.
How do you write a welcome email?
Now that you know why welcome emails are important, it’s time to start implementing them into your daily processes. It’s essential that you create welcome emails with a strategy in mind and include relevant information.
Decide what to include in your welcome email
Your goal is to make new families feel confident the first time they step into your studio. You can accomplish this by proactively answering the most commonly asked questions. Ideas of information to include:
- Confirmation of the class(es) the student is enrolled in and a link to the instructor’s bio on your staff page
- A link to your handbook
- Dress code details
- An introduction to your Parent Portal
- What items to include in their bag for class, such as a change of clothes, shoes, bottled water, etc.
- What to expect on their first day of class
- Who to contact if they have any questions about billing, class expectations, etc.
If you’re feeling creative, record a short video to include in your welcome email so parents and students can put a face with the name!
Create a welcome email template
Make it easy on yourself by creating an email template so you don’t have to start from scratch every time. This will make for a speedier process and you don’t have to worry about accidentally leaving out important details. Of course, certain items like the class and teacher information and even the dress code may differ from one family to the next. To ensure you fill in the details, highlight the sections where you need to add details specific to that family’s registration. This will help you quickly find the areas you need to personalize for that special touch!
Jackrabbit Dance comes with pre-loaded email templates that you can use and update to add your own flare. Jackrabbit’s email feature is only one of the many things that makes connecting with families easier and quicker.
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