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First Ten Things You Should Teach a New User in Jackrabbit

On-boarding new employees is a fun, yet busy time. Teaching someone how to use Jackrabbit’s dance studio management software is an important part of their orientation. Because you’re already an expert in the software and know how to navigate, it can be difficult to go all the way back to the basics.  J’Nelle York from Miller Street Dance Academy has created this quick list of tasks to go through with new staff members so you don’t miss anything. We are sharing it with you to help with your orientation process and to see if you have something like this! If so, comment below what guide you use to help new employees navigate through Jackrabbit.

  1. How to navigate family/student accounts (i.e. parent info, student info/classes, viewing and adding notes in the misc. tab).
  2. How to decipher transactions page.
  3. How to find classes using the weekly view, search bar, and the tabs across the top.
  4. Sending mass emails and emails to certain classes.
  5. Using advanced search for families, students, and classes.
  6. Looking up student absences and scheduling make-ups.
  7. How to use user defined fields for family and child.
  8. Viewing alerts in Dashboard (absences & incomplete time entries).
  9. Using task bar to complete/ assign tasks.
  10. Adding a family through the quick reg button.


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