We all have our moments – I mean, who hasn’t looked for their sunglasses for 15 minutes and realized they’re on their head? It’s what we do.
When you work with people on a daily basis, you hear some crazy things. Before you read any farther, we want you to know that we aren’t making fun at anyone – just sharing some dance mom quotes with you as a comic relief from your day! (By the way if we’ve said anything that you want to call us out for, post in the comments – sometimes it takes a while for the brain juices to start flowing.)
Let’s list the parent questions that have left us speechless over the years…
“Is there a show this weekend or something?”
“Do they wear the same costume as picture day, or do we get a new one?”
“Wait, she’s gonna need Tap shoes to be in the Tap Class? Can she do it in bare feet?”
“What time does the 2 o’clock show start?”
“Should we bring costumes to dress rehearsal?”
“Do all the seats face the stage?”
“Why haven’t I gotten my DVD yet?” [Before the show…]
“What’s a bobby pin?”
“Her nap time is at noon, can we move the show to another time?”
“My daughter doesn’t like the pants of her costume, can I cut them off and just make her shorts?”
I told a parent that her daughter’s belt had to be tacked on the sides to the costume so it wouldn’t turn while she was dancing. Mom said- “I’m not putting a tack in my daughter.”
“Does she actually have to do the exam or can I just buy her the certificate and medal?”
“Why do I have to wear tights?”
“Teachers aren’t doing their hair and makeup for recital?”
“Does it matter which costume she wears with which dance?”
“You did not tell me that there would be so much traffic on the way to rehearsal. This is so disorganized!!!!”
“Tights are supposed to fit tight?”
“For dress rehearsal do they come in dresses or in costumes???”
“Does she need to bring her dance shoes to the performance?”
“Will you be providing shoes and tights?”
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