April 7, 2022 – Studio Growth Week, April 4 – 8, 9am PT/12pm ET, is the latest resource Jackrabbit Dance and Clint Salter’s Dance Studio Owner’s Association are providing to dance studio owners so they can improve and grow their businesses – and it’s all free. The event shares content concerning areas that are critical to studio growth including:
- Clear actionable plans to grow their studio in 90 days
- Proven process to attract and retain more students
- Expert insight to find and keep talented staff
- How real data collected from dance studios globally can help influence business decisions and studio growth
In addition, participants get a peek behind the curtain to see real metrics of more than 4,000 studios with early access to the 2022 Dance Industry Benchmark Report!
Jackrabbit and dance studio growth expert Clint Salter provide incredible content for free
Jackrabbit and DSOA are all about client success! And therefore, they are totally invested in making insight and information available to owners so they can quickly and easily leverage it.
Topics are vital to dance studio owners’ success
Here are some daily details about Studio Growth Week:
Day 1 (Monday April 4)
Clint guides a deep dive, 90-day planning session including his own goal-setting and motivational master hacks.
Day 2 (Tuesday April 5)
Jackrabbit brings its A-game in showing how to use A+ software to streamline the business backend.
Day 3 (Wednesday April 6)
Expert Studio Growth Coach, Hillary Parnell shares her get’em and keep’em strategy.
Day 4 (Thursday April 7)
Jackrabbit shares three ways technology can help with recruiting new staff and growing returning instructor relationships.
Day 5 (Friday April 8)
Jackrabbit Dance and Clint Salter open the curtain on its 2022 Benchmark Report to give studio owners a peek into how more than 4,000 of their peers are addressing challenges and meeting goals. This panel discussion features clients who have identified and invigorated their own benchmarks with the assistance and guidance of both Jackrabbit Dance and the DSOA Inner Circle program.
Studio owners are enlightened with helpful content
This week of content sets owners up for success and helps them:
- Take control of their studios and stop feeling overwhelmed
- Enjoy more free time to spend with the people they love
- Fall back in love with running their studios
- Set up systems that allow them to spend less time in the studio
- Get laser-focused on what really matters in their businesses
- Create a company culture that rocks
About Jackrabbit Technologies
Jackrabbit Technologies is the leader in providing class management cloud software to youth activity centers that include gymnastics and cheer gyms, dance studios, child care centers and swim and music schools – serving 5,158,122 students and 12,000 schools in 28 countries. Jackrabbit develops solutions rich in features, such as enrollment management, billing, online registration and staff and parent portals. Jackrabbit Technologies’ software helps its clients operate more efficiently so they can get back to the passions that inspire them. Contact Jackrabbit Media Relations for more information.