Turning Pointe Academy of Dance Has the Stats to Prove Their Time-Savings
One of the main reasons for automating anything is time-savings. Whether it’s through software, machinery or appliances, we love putting automation in place to give us time back for things we love to do or need to do.
It was exactly this concept that drove the implementation of online registration for Turning Point Academy of Dance.
What’s one of the real bonuses with online registration?
Double-down time-savings! Time-savings impacts not only staff but parents too because Jackrabbit creates front-end and back-end benefits.
What’s in it for parents?
Parents’ don’t have to plan around registration as they did before online processes. Before they had to basically reserve the day of registration for standing in line to secure a place in the class they wanted their child to take.
Online registration reduces the long lines to a few simple clicks to choose and keystrokes to enter payment information. And it can be done anytime – at 12:01 or at 9:01 am – from wherever the parent is when the time is right to register.
Parents experience far less frustration because getting the class they want for their child is much easier.
Online registration makes parent happy.
What’s in it for staff?
Staff members don’t have to shuffle stacks of paper enrollment documents and key in class choices and parent data. Data entered during online registration is real time so there is no data delay. Registration data goes directly into Jackrabbit as parents enter it and staff sees the results immediately. Staff can literally watch registrations come in on Jackrabbit’s executive dashboard as they attend to other tasks or customers that need their attention.
Staff doesn’t spend lots of time dealing with the frustrations of parents who find out a few days after turning in their paper registration that their child didn’t get in their preferred class.
Online registration makes staff members happy.
“The time savings are tremendous on both ends – staff and parent. Before using Online Registration, it took my staff lots of backend time to sort through and double-check details. We had lots of angry parents in long lines with lots of questions. It took hours and hours to complete the process. Parents find our new online methods super easy – and quick,” notes Administration Manager for Turning Pointe Academy of Dance, Jenn Buckton
And then there are the waivers.
Getting waivers signed becomes a non-event. What previously could require staff to chase down parents for waiver signatures becomes automatic with online registration.
“Online registration makes the process a one and done event. Parents enter all information so completeness and accuracy of their information is in their hands – not in the hands of our staff. And the post-registration emails – automated via Jackrabbit – are great because they provide us with proof of registrations,” Jenn adds.
Online registration basically reduces and smooths out the registration process into one that requires minimal effort from parent or staff.
Here’s a before and after Online Registration comparison that Turning Pointe uses to tout its Online Registration-driven time-savings.
Turning Pointe often worked 5-7 hours per day for two full weeks when in-person registrations were taken. The paper registration information then had to be manually entered into the databases by staff.
After the initial two weeks, registrations continued to trickle in for a couple of more weeks. During the entire four week period, staff had to confirm registrations for those on the wait lists.
Tuition payments also trickled in and because they were manually entered during a process that took staff at least two weeks.
Registration takes no more than two hours – period. The Turning Pointe staff watches Jackrabbit’s dashboard to see classes filling as registration information automatically comes into their Jackrabbit database from their website.
Tuition payments come in as fast as registrations. There is no gap for fees to be manually posted. There are only a few declined credit cards to follow up on.
Online registration makes administration managers happy.
Turning Pointe uses the four weeks that online registration gives them back for planning and strategy and for actually having time to take a deep breath before the craziness of the season sets in.
When you think of online registration, time-savings should definitely be one of the huge benefits that immediately follows. Time-savings joins increased enrollment and greater data accuracy as three major business-changing benefits of online registration.