Jackrabbit Tips & Tricks

Use Student QR Codes to Record Attendance

Multiple technologies work together to streamline a typically chaotic and time-consuming process

Using Student QR codes for recording attendance through your mobile app is an amazingly simple way to streamline one of the most chaotic times in your gym. Your staff won’t dread the madness of getting every student checked in accurately because that manual process is now one that is automated.

QR codes are very efficient for parents and for your staff because QR code attendance works with your Jackrabbit class management software so that you can record student attendance as they pass through your front office.

Blog_QRCodeBlgBckg_10292015This amazing process is simple to put in place:

  1. Make sure the barcode field for each student shows the Jackrabbit student record ID. (Mobile Inventor creates your QR codes using Jackrabbit’s student record IDs).
  2. Install a QR code reading device in a convenient place for students to scan as they come in for classes.
  3. Instruct your parents/students on how to save and display the QR code for quick access on their smartphones.

After these simple steps, you’re ready to go!

Your parents/students may have to get into the habit of pulling their QR code up to scan, but once they see that it’s as simple and quick as pulling up the app and that it speeds up attendance check in, they will be all about adopting this new process!

The Athletic and Performing Arts Center helped Mobile Inventor to perfect the process of using QR codes. Note Jerit Pogue’s thoughts on how this new way of recording attendance has changed things for his staff and his gymnastics families.

Blog_QRCode_AthlPerfArtsCenter5gym_10292015“We’re creatures of habit. Our parents had been accustomed to simply giving their student’s name and our staff did the paper shuffling and manual recording to make sure the right person’s attendance was recorded in the right class. So getting them to change that process – that many of them have done for years – has been challenging. But they see that it’s a change that will help us and help them so they’re on board and working on creating a new habit as they come into class. Now, it’s a simple scan. The check-in pops up for our staff to confirm, the student walks right into class and their attendance is automatically and accurately entered into Jackrabbit.”   

Most of today’s bar code scanners also read QR codes so just check the specifications of your device to make sure you have the appropriate type reader/scanner.

Owners and managers who have implemented QR codes have seen huge changes take place:

  • Quicker and more accurate check in
  • Less hectic front office
  • More opportunity for conversations with parents and students
  • Less staff effort required for recording attendance

“Our staff is definitely seeing the value of using QR codes to automate attendance recording. The front office is quiet enough to carry on conversations even with students checking in. No names being shouted out. No papers shuffling. No questions about which class the check in is for. And there’s no manual attendance recording to do in Jackrabbit in the aftermath. It’s much less stressful for everyone.” 

Use your mobile app’s push notifications to remind parents to use QR codes for attendance for the next class they’re coming to. You can even time the push to take place within moments of their entrance into your facility so the idea is fresh in their minds.

Mobile Inventor is your resource for creating a mobile app and for perfecting the use of QR codes within it. Learn more about the company and their services.

Note that QR codes work when you’re tracking attendance in Jackrabbit, not when you’re tracking absences/makeups.

You might also be interested in reading the Pros & Cons of Using Bar and QR Codes for Recording Attendance.

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