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Why write “Marketing Tips For Dance Teachers”?

A note from Sara Beth Jones: Part of my job at Jackrabbit is to understand the dance industry. I have been interested in the blogging world for dance studio owners and that’s how I met Sue. I asked her to share why she started Marketing Tips for Dance Teachers. I hope this is insightful and inspiring to you and your studio! 

It’s going to be our 122nd week of writing “Marketing Tips for Dance Teachers” this weekend! And they just keep on coming.

There’s so much to talk about when it comes to marketing and endless opportunities for us all to take advantage of. Gone are the days of things costing a fortune to get the word out about what we do – we have tons of free and low cost options and are even able to target our audience specifically.

So why did we start writing “Marketing Tips for Dance Teachers”? Having worked in marketing for 14 years, and prior to that TV, advertising and market research, marketing is Sue Wybrow, Chief Leg warmer wearer at Popdance’s, passion.

Dance teachers work very hard at what they do and are often running here, there and everywhere, that sometimes they don’t have time to market what they offer, or know about all the hidden gems that are available to them, many of which are free, so we wanted to be able to share our knowledge, experiences and ideas with others and create a real community feel around dance. Popdance is all about working together as a team, supporting each other, sharing ideas and information.

Our tips are there for everybody to access, whether you are a Popdance Teacher or not. Some weeks our tips may be about apps that we’ve found useful as a dance company, other weeks it could be our top 10 tips on how to market your summer camps, and some weeks it can be tips about free design software that help to make your blogs, emails and communications more visually appealing. We also invite readers to share their ideas and whether they found the tips useful.

Having written 121 tips now, we feel that we’ve built a real community of dance teachers – we’ve built relationships with many of them, we’ve worked with many of them, and not only has this led to fantastic relationships but it’s also been an amazing resource for us to share not only on our website (which is great for seo), but on Facebook, twitter, in PR, as guest blogs on other websites, as a weekly communication that lands in dance teacher’s inbox’s every Saturday morning at 10am, keeping us front of mind. It’s also enabled readers to get a taste of what Popdance is all about, our brand, our ethos, our personality AND we are going to turn these tips into a book! 🙂 Watch this space for Marketing Tips for Dance Teachers the book! Maybe it should be a “Pop-Up” book 😉

Here’s our top ten tips on why writing “Marketing Tips for Dance Teachers” is a real hit:

  1. Amazing for seo on website – fresh content is loved by google and also gives readers a reason to keep returning to your website.
  2. Building relationships with dance teachers – giving something away that’s beneficial to them and for free.
  3. Enables us to keep front of mind with dance teachers that we want to work with.
  4. Shows that we are a caring company that wants to share it’s experiences with others.
  5. Great resource for sharing on social media, pr and guest blogging.
  6. It’s a book already in the making. 😉
  7. Makes us write fresh content each and every week.
  8. Makes us think about new marketing tips and research into options available out there.
  9. Building a community of teachers working together to support and help each other.
  10. We love marketing and writing these tips enables us to share our experiences and our passion!

If you would like receive our “Marketing Tips for Dance Teachers” into your inbox every Saturday morning at 10am (UK time), simply register your details here – all completely free!

To find out more about working with Popdance – visit our website at

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