Don’t you agree that dance has it’s own language?
Here are a list of 100 words that dance moms should know. Have some fun with the moms in your studio. See how many they know!
[Psst – Double check that you know all of them first! :)]
1. Ballet 26. Studio 51. Class 76. Rehearsal
2. Jazz 27. Company 52. Gift 77. Friends
3. Modern 28. Performance 53. Flowers 78. Character
4. Leotard 29. Tap 54. Sequins 79. Skirts
5. Tutu 30. Level 55. Placement 80. Hairspray
6. Tights 31. Grade 56. Waiting 81. Hairgel
7. Glitter 32. Intensive 57. Bun 82. Crown
8. Sparkle 33. Observation 58. Headpiece 83. Tierra
9. Pointe 34. Legwarmers 59. Teacher 84. Journal
10. Slippers 35. Sweaters 60. Schedule 85. Alignment
11. Costumes 36. Jazzshorts 61. Twirl 86. Donut
12. Stage 37. Footpads 62. Releve 87. Comb
13. Lights 38. Bunions 63. Splits 88. Brush
14. Bandaids 39. Blisters 64. Tickets 89. Piano
15. Makeup 40. Papertape 65. Volunteer 90. Tired
16. Caboodle 41. Bill 66. Nutcracker 91. Snacks
17. Suitcase 42. Needle 67. Chocolate 92. Water
18. Dance 43. Thread 68. Posture 93. Warmup
19. Duffle 44. Music 69. Turnout 94. Lyrical
20. Ribbons 45. Barre 70. Latenights 95. Packing
21. Hairpins 46. Hairband 71. Balance 96. Jewelry
22. Hairnets 47. Moleskin 72. Salad 97. Ipod
23. Elastic 48. Lambswool 73. RAD 98. Books
24. Exams 49. Stretch 74. Money 99. Laundry
25. Auditions 50. Practice 75. Shows 100. Bruises
Do you have any words that you want to add? Post them at Sydney’s blog.