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Build Your Business House

Building a business is like building a house – we want them both solid and strong. It benefits the children who participate, the parents who trust us and pay the bills, our amazing staff members who deliver the services, and ourselves as owners or administrators.

In building a house, we need a foundation, framing, walls, a roof, windows/doors and electrical/plumbing/HVAC systems.

In building our “business house,” we should employ the best tools and technologies available.

Why? To deliver consistent quality to our customers!

We accomplish this by utilizing today’s remarkable online subscriptions and memberships that make our business more efficient and professional – and make the processes easier for customers.

To complete our house-building analogy, here are 6 types of tools and technologies to employ in your business on a consistent basis:

  • FOUNDATION: Use Industry Business Best Practices for stability and growth. The best management memberships are at and the best overall management dashboard is at
  • FRAMING: Customer Relationship Management (CRM) databases. There are many good ones and a few great ones. Shop and compare CRMs with the free MarketPlace Resources tool.
  • WALLS: Teacher Training and Curriculum Development. Ask yourself “what is the educational basis for the skills, curriculums, lesson plans and teacher training that we use today?”  For a program developed by educational specialists, use
  • ROOF: You have built up (or are building) a great business. We must think in terms of protection for all that we have built. Comprehensive Risk Management plan and tools are available at You can shop and compare insurance companies with the free MarketPlace Resources tool.
  • WINDOWS/DOORS: Windows expand our vision, and we are meant to be constantly opening new doors! For the best in Personal Growth and Development, visit for their amazing personal journey dashboard (coming soon, projected mid-May 2015). The components of personal growth are Mental, Emotional, Physical, Creative, Leadership, Personal Finance, Business and Spirt. 
  • ELECTRICAL/PLUMBING/HVAC systems: These elements provide the ongoing, long term well-being of a house. Similarly, the “End Game” goals below provide the ongoing motivation for a business. 

End Games – 2 types

  • Private Business: the ultimate goal is to build the value of the business, have it valued, and figure it into the personal wealth picture along with true Succession Planning and Exit Strategies.
  • Non-Profit: the ultimate goal is to leave a legacy for those who will be involved in any way in the future. To do that, the organization needs systems.

There are several resources that can help you to successfully build your business house. Check them out!


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