Customer Successes

Jackrabbit Simplifies the Way Clients Share Information with Parents

The Dance Warehouse
1 location, 300 students, 8 teachers
Owner, Cheryl Sington

The growth had caused data to overrun the manual processes that kept The Dance Warehouse running. Even getting the basics done – like class registration and attendance tracking – was impossible for staff. And communicating in a consistent way with parents had become cumbersome and complex. Their data errors seemed to increase at the same rate as their growth!


It was just impossible to provide services that their families expected without help from technology. Cheryl wanted to make sure that The Dance Warehouse could grow and maintain great customer relationships without increasing staff. Technology was the answer! The Jackrabbit system helped Cheryl and her staff offer parents online registration options – providing them with a convenience they want and her staff with an automated process for taking in class registration information. While this automation helps tremendously, registration doesn’t take place daily or even weekly like taking roll and communicating with parents does. That is why Cheryl believes Jackrabbits features for managing these two items save them as much as 5-10 hours per week. Attendance tracking – simplified to noting in the system students who are absent – makes the roll-taking quick and easy. Mass email simplifies sharing information with parents by offering templates and options for sending those templates to all or just part of the database.


Jackrabbit provides tools to accommodate growth and maintain excellent customer service without the need to expand staff.

“With Jackrabbit we can share important information with parent sooner and more efficiently. We can get important information – like emergency weather information or last minutes class cancellations – out in just minutes.”  — Cheryl Sington, The Dance Warehouse

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