Steps N Motion
The limitations of PC-based software were hindering Steps N Motion’s operations. They saw lots of growth opportunity ahead but couldn’t imagine taking on more students at both locations with their present system. They needed to be able to leverage the Internet for registration, payments and parent account access – so an online class management system was definitely their next step.
“With Jackrabbit, I’m not longer up to my ears in paperwork! I just watch for online registration alerts in my Inbox and see the tuition fees come in. The automation that this system provides has transformed the way we operate.” Brittany Zorn, Steps N Motion
BENEFITS OF ONLINE PLATFORM HAVE TRANSFORMED STUDIO | Steps N Motion’s transformation is most obvious in the registration process. Their previous registration scenario consisted of a two-day open house generally netting 50 registrations that had to be manually entered and charged over the next two days. Jackrabbit’s online tools hand the work over to parents so Britt’s staff simply checks over the details and then automatically charges fees to the credit cards the parents entered online.
“Registrations have actually increased with online methods – perhaps because of its convenience for parents. It has modernized our processes. One parent even commented that they chose us because of the simple one-step register and pay process that we offer online.” Brittany Zorn, Steps N Motion
ONLINE PROCESSES HAVE LIBERATED STAFF | The online process also eliminates the need to maintain paperwork and critical details that require lock and key storage. Other features (auto-sizing in the Costume Module and conflict alerts in the Recital Module) liberate staff from worry and frustration produced by detail-riddled activities. And the fact that the Parent Portal provides a secure area for moms and dads to access and manage their accounts is sanity saving for staff.
“Jackrabbit provides the tools that have effectively transformed our studio operations into ones that help us and please parents.” Brittany Zorn, Steps N Motion
ORGANIZATION DETAILS | 2 locations, 1050 students, 12 instructors, Brittany Zorn, Office Manager