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Constructive Coaching for Your Staff

Written by Chasta Hamilton


 The instructors at your studio are the backbone to your business. In order for your studio to operate successfully, the instructors must be invested in the studio’s culture.

To hold staff accountable for their actions and encourage constructive coaching, implement an evaluation procedure that coincides with each pay period.

At our studio, each staff member has a folder with an evaluation sheet for each pay period. Some topics addressed include:

  • if classes are starting/ending on time
  • if classes are following the curriculums and guidelines set forth by the studio
  • if in-class questions are being addressed in an appropriate manner
  • if students are showing equal treatment to all students in the classes

Any other policy issues and requested days off are documented, too.

Prior to receiving a check for the pay period, the staff member and owner sign off on the evaluations.

This tracking system is advantageous in several ways:

  1. It holds staff members accountable for their actions.
  2. It serves as a coaching system and notates improvement or regression in patterns of behavior.
  3. It can be used to reward staff members that are on task.
  4. It serves as documentation for potential cases of staff dismissal.

Every studio should maintain some regular system of documentation and evaluation. Your staff is integral to the success of your business, and employees that are committed to fulfilling your vision will be respectful, sensitive, and open to the constructive coaching. At the end of the day, it will ultimately improve your business and will eliminate staff members that are not invested in your culture and studio.

For more thoughts on staff management, check out The Dance Exec’s Staff Management Guide.

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