In the News

Getting The Holiday Buzz

With the holiday season is in full gear, it’s time to start thinking of ways to use the hustle and bustle in your social media plan. The holidays are all about connecting with people, sharing traditions, and building memories, which naturally flows into your school’s holiday outreach through social media.

Here are a few things for you to think about when planning social media topics, posts, and questions for this season. Think of things you want associate with the holidays. Ask your staff, parents, students. Gather these together and create a plan.

Timing: Start planning early. Start posting early. Don’t wait until everybody else is doing it. Build the buzz leading up to Christmas and New Years. Your students are already thinking about their recitals, break from school, and family traditions.

Engagement: Make sure that you connect with your audience on a personal level. Posts shouldn’t feel like sales pitches or advertisements. Show them you care about what they are doing for the holidays. Ask them to participate in your social media activities.

Specialize: Spread the holiday cheer and show your audience that they are special. Surprise them with a free gift or great price on your merchandise. Encourage them to share and reward them when they do.

Personalize: Show your audience your personality. Use playful, fun words and phrases. Share funny graphics or videos. Creativity is key with social media and grabbing people’s attention.

Christmas is right around the corner, so start using these tips to create some buzz!

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