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Have We All Been Buying the Wrong Kind of Happiness?

If you get down to the basics, we’re all pursuing the same basic thing: happiness. While what produces happiness for each of us may be different, that indeed is the driving force behind what we do and especially the driving force behind how we spend money.

So if you believe that money can make you happy by enabling you to purchase the things that will “ensure” your happiness, wouldn’t you also make sure you’re getting the biggest bang for your buck by buying what makes you happiest?

Let’s not make this complicated. It’s easy as prioritize your “buy list” beginning with what will make you the happiest and continuing down the list with those items that fall in after that #1 purchase.

Well, this is the way it should work, right?

Maybe not.

Things may not produce the greatest happiness. For instance, just because a car will last longer than an awesome vacation, doesn’t mean that it produces greater happiness. And if things don’t make us happier, shouldn’t they occupy lower places on your list? What, then, should be at the top?

Acquiring a new skill like learning to fly, going on an adventure like snorkeling in the Galapagos Islands or even simply spending quality time at the beach with your family can be investments in happiness that lasts longer than the thrill of speeding off in your new BMW.

This may be why you’ll notice insightful entrepreneurs seeking balance in their lives by having once-in-a-lifetime experiences instead of purchasing that Rolex or custom-made golf clubs.

So happiness really isn’t about having that bottomless pot of gold, but spending the money that you do have in the ways that incite your happiness.

Read more about this. Fast Company had an interesting article delving into the scientific side of buying happiness.

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