Increase studio transparency with the Jackrabbit Parent Portal.

Studio Transparency Creates Happy and Informed Parents

Access, Ease and Convenience Enhance Studio’s Image with Parents

“I love having all of my account details at my fingertips any time I want to look through them. The studio is awesome in automatically registering the company dancers for their required classes. And then I can use online registration to enroll her in other classes that she may want to take. A quick check in the parent portal confirms for me that my child is all set for the approaching season. I can pay everything in full or choose what I want to pay for immediately. The beauty of it is that in the rare instance that I have a question about something or identify a discrepancy, the studio can log in and look at the same information that I’m looking at – and address my question immediately!” Denise Kiker, Parent User of Jackrabbit’s Portal

The parent portal is a popular family convenience that opens the window on studio transparency. Without missing a beat, parents can review every detail of their account including class specifics and instructors. They can register, pay or ask questions whenever or wherever they choose. The portal is especially helpful for parents with students on company teams. By just logging in, parents can understand everything about their student’s activities at the studio, whether required or chosen classes, company fees, costumes or one-time special events, charges are line-itemed and detailed. By using the portal, parents have a greater understanding of their student’s expenses.

Jackrabbit’s portal enables parents to:

  • Understand all charges and class details and requirements.
  • Keep costs and schedules for multiple children organized.
  • Look at account details from home when the evening winds down.
  • Use history to budget for future classes.
  • Review class details and costs with managers easily and accurately without going into the studio.
  • See their children’s progression clearly and plan the next season well in advance.
  • Identify spending trends and establish a reasonable budget for lesson costs.

“Jackrabbit gives the studio great tools for being transparent to parents. This helps us – as parents – take care of our own needs without studio staff getting involved. And that gives them freedom to dedicate more of their attention to their students.” Denise Kiker, Parent User of Jackrabbit’s Portal

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