You have lots of data in Jackrabbit.
- Some of this data belongs to you. (i.e., your user permissions, your account information – which probably includes the account used to pay Jackrabbit, your classes, your tuition amounts, revenues, student totals…)
- Some of this data belongs to your organization’s parents. (i.e., their contact information, the account used to pay you, perhaps personal information about their child…)
- And some of this data belongs to your employees. (i.e., their contact information, social security number, perhaps even their banking information)
Needless to say, there is some pretty sensitive data stored in your Jackrabbit database. You want all of it to be safe and secure – worry free – if possible. With Jackrabbit, there are no worries. We’ve got your back on this one.
There are reasons you can feel secure about this:
Jackrabbit is a hosted solution.
Why is this good? Because we bear the burden of costly IT staff and services for you. As one organization, you’d find it challenging – let’s be honest, impossible – to afford and manage the level of infrastructure, security and staff that Jackrabbit makes available to you as a client.
Jackrabbit is safe enough for banks.
Your software is critical to your business. For that reason, Jackrabbit servers are hosted in the same datacenters that some of our nation’s largest banks trust with their data – centers where security and safety checks and balances far exceed any measures that most individual businesses – regardless of size – can afford to maintain. No one except approved personnel can even get into the buildings where your data is secured.
Jackrabbit is highly secure.
Our hosting centers use industry-leading security measures including fully redundant, state-of-the-art, denial-of-service firewalls, multiple system administrator controls to restrict access to data and functionality under 1024-bit encryption. Jackrabbit runs SSL acceleration hardware so that each user experiences the same performance – regardless of connected under regular encryption or SSL encryption mode.
Jackrabbit practices strict backup procedures.
Jackrabbit has taken every precaution against any type of failure including data backup. Our backup regimen makes sure that your data is always protected. Even in the event of a catastrophic failure, your data can be restored because it is protected by a nightly backup.
Jackrabbit provides an uptime guarantee.
Why is uptime part of being safe and secure? If your system is down, you can’t do anything and your customers can’t do anything with your business. Downtime in a software solution may not exactly compromise the data in it but it may seem that way to your customers. If they believe their sensitive data is at risk they may decide a competitor uses better software.
This will never happen with Jackrabbit because we actually guarantee 99.9% uptime. This is all part of the fault-tolerant engineering and network infrastructure that is designed specifically to handle your critical business software needs every minute of every day of the year.
Read more about our obsession with data security.
Jackrabbit carries industry verifications and certifications.
Jackrabbit has GODADDY.COM verified and secured verify security and carries CertifyPCI compliance status.
Jackrabbit is a SaaS solution.
It’s a technology industry standard that SaaS (Software as a Service) solutions employ security controls and protocols that no individual can afford to implement upon their own network or computer. SaaS solutions leverage economies of scale in favor of their clients – even sharing the massive IT investments with hundreds of other SaaS solutions.
SaaS companies do quite a few things to ensure data security and after reading the list, you’ll probably be happy that you have a company like Jackrabbit overseeing all of this for you!
SaaS companies are incredibly secure because they:
- Closely align with ISO 27034requirements
- Provide security training and certification for product teams
- Perform product health, risk and threat landscape analysis
- Conduct mandatory static analysis
- Develop secure coding guidelines, rules and analysis
- Conduct secure complete stack
- Utilize big data for advanced threat detection
- Develop service roadmaps, security tools and testing methods that guide the security team to help address the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) Top 10 most critical web application security flaws and CWE/SANSTop 25 most dangerous software errors
- Provide secure architecture review encryption and penetration testing
- Conduct source code reviews
- Ensure regulatory compliance
Read more about security and SaaS solutions.
Jackrabbit has detailed user permission and password features.
Jackrabbit has the security of the data in Jackrabbit covered. We’ve actually done everything we can do on our end. But there are some things that you can do to button up your end. Read more about leveraging Jackrabbit’s user controls and database security.