We all know what an Instagram profile and a Facebook newsfeed is. Terms that would have been met with questions years ago are now part of daily routines, with many people spending hours each day scrolling through their various social media. As a dance studio owner, you can turn those ‘likes’ into website clicks, student feet in the door, and even revenue.”
While creating a social profile is easy, creating a following isn’t. It takes careful thought and planning to share the right information at the right time. If you want to reach and make an impact on a large number of parents and dancers, it’s important to establish your dance studio’s presence on social media.
Best Platforms to Use
Before leaping into the how, what, and why of posting on social media, it’s important to grasp where you should consider creating accounts for your dance studio.
Anyone remember The Facebook? It’s come a long way since those early days. If your dance studio doesn’t have a presence on Facebook, we suggest you reconsider.
A Facebook business page can help you promote your dance studio to prospective students and can be a helpful tool for staying connected to your existing students and their families. Facebook is a place where you can interact with everyone, promote your studio, and share information about upcoming events.
Instagram is the second most popular platform, and has a younger user group. Unlike Facebook, where you can post information without a photo attached, Instagram is a platform made for sharing images and videos, making it ideal for a dance studio. If you use it to share eye-catching imagery, you’ll undoubtedly garner more attention for your business.
YouTube is another social media platform that’s centered on video. Video allows you to capture and share emotion and knowledge, making it one of the more popular mediums. Reaching a large audience on Youtube requires captivating content that is easy to digest. Whether it’s a short how-to clip of a routine or a long recital video, that’s up to you!
What are some of your favorite dance studios to follow on Facebook, Instagram or YouTube? Share them in the comments below!
How to Maximize Your Dance Studio Social Media
Now that you have a better understanding of where to share content for your dance studio, it’s helpful to learn more about maximizing your time and presence on these platforms.
Mix Up the Content
In order to keep your followers engaged, make sure you’re posting a balanced number of videos, photos, and quotes, along with the general information you want to share about your studio and upcoming events.
Depending on the platform, you may be able to utilize reels, stories, lives, and more, to make sure your followers always have new content coming to digest.
Keep Track of Your Engagement
To understand your audience and the type of content they enjoy seeing from you, you must keep track of your engagement. Most social media platforms provide analytical tools for businesses that show you which posts get the most attention so you can see what’s working, what’s not, and tweak your strategy accordingly.
Promote Through Facebook Cover Photo
A great way to draw attention to upcoming events at your dance studio is to create a graphic and use it as your cover photo. Here at Jackrabbit, our Marketing Team will always plug Canva – an easy solution to make and size graphics accordingly. A cover photo is a highly visible promotion and can be an easy way to get the word out about an event.
Use a Call to Action with Your Posts
No matter what you post – whether it’s an image, video, or quote, you should provide a call to action – aka the next step. This can look like contact information, a link, or a message to comment below.
Tips for Posting
As you consider what you’re going to post, follow these tips to make the most of each post you share.
Post Several Times a Day
People often have hundreds if not thousands of other people, pages, and businesses they follow on a single social media platform. This can make it difficult for your page to stand out or your posts to be recognized. To be sure you’re reaching enough people, it’s best to post several times a day. You can set up an automatic post schedule to help you stay on top of posting.
Use Relevant Hashtags
Hashtags are a great way to get recognized by people outside your follower base, especially on Instagram. Use hashtags relevant to dance and dance classes to make sure you’re reaching an audience that will have a genuine interest in your studio.
Don’t Make it All About Your Studio
While you want some of your posts to contain information about your dance studio and events happening there, don’t make everything you post about your studio. Make sure you post content about your students, general dance information, resources, parent information, and other topics that interest your viewers.
What to Post
The content you post should have value, be engaging, and offer viewers something new and exciting. Some top content ideas include:
- How-to tutorials
- Class and student highlights
- Inspirational quotes from famous dancers
- Positive news about the dance world
No matter what, where, when, or how you post, always make sure you’re genuine. Today’s consumers are all about authenticity. You want to build a personal connection between your dance studio and your viewers. Be an authority in your industry and entice people to visit your studio by building trust through authenticity.
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