The relationship between a father and daughter is unlike any other. The father is usually the first male object of her love and shapes her conscious and unconscious perceptions of what she can expect and what is acceptable in a romantic partner. The power of fathers is huge.
Involving a father in their daughter’s life is amazing. Instead of playing taxi driver, why not have the father in the studio with the young girl participating in her extracurricular activities? Dance studios are a great place for fathers and daughters to spend quality time together. Not only that, they are both learning and having fun!
CK Danceworks has an annual father/daughter dance around Valentine’s Day. They call it the Valentine’s Sweetheart Dance. Each year, the studio’s dance moms organize the event and the proceeds go to a fundraiser for the competition season. It is a great event to offer to the community for non-members or customers to visit the studio – and you hope they come back in the future!  This also gives fathers a chance to meet other dance dads! Networking with other peers has had a very positive impact on the fathers.
The biggest benefit of this dance is building the relationship between the father and daughter. The girls dress up in pretty dresses and get a flower corsage when they arrive – really being treated like a princess! The way the fathers look at their daughters is amazing. It’s truly a special night and CK Danceworks would recommend you try throwing a party like this!
Duval Dance and Music Academy offers a class for fathers and daughters to take and perform in the recital together. This program has been offered for over ten years at their studio and is the most memorable performances in the recital each year.
The time spent together is awesome. Not only do the fathers and daughters spend time in class each week, they practice at home! Seeing their faces light up talking about the memories they’ve made in the studio and outside of class is incredible. Fathers can have trouble finding ways to connect to their daughters, but this class keeps them involved in the child’s life when they are busy jumping from activity to activity.
Learning choreography together is a great bonding experience. The father really gets a first hand experience at what their daughter is doing at the studio. They can understand and respect how challenging it can be to count music, learn steps, and remember choreography. It is an extremely positive experience, lifelong memories are created and everyone has fun at the same time!
The power of dads is truly amazing. The bonds that CK Danceworks and Duval Dance and Music Academy have seen in their studios are great examples of that. If you’re thinking about starting a program like this, what are your hesitations? What are you looking forward to? Share here!